Tag Archives: Game Updates

Train Sim – Another Awesome Update

Train Sim New Farm Land Scene

I am happy to report that Train Sim has received another awesome update.  This time I focused on updating one of the existing older scenes.

I started by asking my twitter account, Which Scene I should focus on updating.  The Farm Land scene was a clear winner. (I think I will be doing more of that in the future)

Train Sim Twitter

Initially I focused on making a larger more interesting track layout. In the old scene the track was arranged in a circle, and I received allot of complaints about that from users.  As you will see from the top view of the track, the layout is much more interesting then before.

Train Sim New Scene Top View

I also wanted to add some new assets to the scene,  These included:

  • Improved Track Textures
  • Improved Horse Model
  • New Cow Models
  • New Large Grain Elevator/Silos
  • New Farm Textures
  • Improved Water Effects

However I wanted the scene to seem familiar as well, so allot of the old farm textures & small towns found in the old levels are still present in this new scene.

On top of the improved Farm Land scene I also added a new GE AC4400CW train with custom freight cars to go with it.  This brings the total number of trains available in Train Sim to 47!

This new awesome new update is already available on Android & Amazon.  And it is pending review in the Windows Store.  I am still working on updating Train Sim on iOS.



Flight Sim Update 2 New Airplanes

Flight Sim for Android has been updated with 2 new airplanes and many improvements and bug fixes.  This update brings the total number of airplanes to 16.  My goal for this year is to bring the number of airplanes to 20 so I think I am right on track.  As always these new airplanes are available for free and there are no in-app purchases in Flight Sim.

Flight Sim DC-7

-Added DC-7 & Beriew A40 Airplanes
-Improved Horizon and Cloud Cover
-Improved Cessna 182 Model
-Added Options for Graphics Quality & System of Measurement (Metric/Imperial)